Four Seasons is a theatrical love letter to nature for children and their families.
Four Seasons is a theatrical love letter to nature for children and their families.
F.W. Murnau’s classic silent film Nosferatu continues to haunt and terrify audiences. This first-ever screen adaptation of Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula captures the deeply-rooted elements of a waking nightmare. Its eerie, Gothic feel - and chilling performance from Max Shrek as the vampire - set the template for horror films that followed.
An extraordinary journey through a busy forest. Experience a story told from the perspective of an acorn; the hectic forest floor, thrumming underworlds, and dazzling heights of icy branches.
Welcome to The Museum of Marvellous Things, where the impossible can happen!
Discover stars in jars, catch moons like balloons, dance with Doo-Dahs in cages, sing with Noo-Nahs on stages. Because this is a museum like no other – it’s made from the magic of YOUR imagination – and you get to bring it alive.
With giant puppets, magical effects, interactive storytelling, LIVE original music and a chance to make your own special puppet, this is a fun-filled family show based on the picture book by Kristina Stephenson (creator of Sir Charlie Stinky Socks).
Meet sensible, serious Norbert Norris and wild, wonderful Tilly T. Pott, as they give you a sneak peek inside their amazing museum and ask YOU to fill it with MAGIC!
So…come on in, let the MAGIC BEGIN!
“It was funny, hilarious, marvellous and so good I almost exploded.”
11:30am + 2:30pm
TICKETS: £12 and Pay What You Can available (for those who need it most)
Ages: A family show for children ages 3-8 years.
Duration: 1 hour
A visual guide is available on request.
Ticket price includes all fees and levies. We regret no lift access to performance space.